Friday, September 18, 2009

Learning the Secret : Update on me

Hello Everyone,

Well, September has been a busy month for me so far. My son started back to school, and I have been working on several different projects. All are very exciting, and I am loving this new direction my life has taken. My book is progressing. The illustrations are finished, and on their way to me. We just have to put them together with the book, one final editing, and it will be off to the printers. VERY EXCITING! My book should be available for purchase mid November.

I really am finding writing to be a passion I never knew I had. I am looking forward to developing this skill more. I am thinking of taking some writing courses in the new year.

I am trying to find a good balance between everything I am doing. I find that when stuff starts manifesting, I get excited, and focus on what needs to be done, but in doing this, I start to neglect my regular meditation, and my visualising of what I am wanting. I need to be remembering to take some time out of each day for just me, and do what I know makes this work at such great speed, and have the instant manifestations. I feel like I slip in and out of the flow of things. As this is a learning process, I am so grateful I am aware of my thoughts and energy, and I know when I need to step back and refocus. I am getting better and better at this, and I know one day, I will be a master.

I am so enjoying the excitement of all the new things in my life. I am so looking forward to my book launch, and also the other projects I am working on. I am so SO happy I am not working shift work anymore, and that I can be here and be the kind of mom I want to be. Everything about living your life by these laws, are ALL beneficial, and have brought so much clarity and happiness to my life. Times of struggle are easier to deal with, and I have a new found power inside I can call on for strength. My hope is that others will discover this in themselves. I often wonder what the world would be like, if we all took control of our minds, and all worked together. I wanted to share this video I came across today while I was working. I think you all will enjoy it.

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